Department : Home Science

Designation : Assistant Professor
Name : Sithara Balan V
Academic Qualifications : PhD Home Science (University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram), MPhil Home Science ( Avinashilingam Deemed University,Coimbatore), MSc Home Science -Extension Education (University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram), Diploma In Nutrition and Health Education-IGNOU
Email : dr.sitharasushen@gmail.com
Phone : 9895577304
Contact Address : Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science, Govt College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695014
Research Students :
  1. Shana Harshan
  2. Thara C
  3. Krishnapriya
  4. Gayathri C.P
  5.  Aparna H Nath
  6. Sivasree Bahuleyan
  7. Ripalei Lyndgoh Mawphlang
  1. Sithara Balan V and Thangamani K (August 2004)”Should Women become Entrepreneurs”, on Journal of Social Welfare, Vol.51, No.5, Pp 17 -23. (ISSN 0037 8038).
  2. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi (June 2010) “Health Status of the Elderly” on Indian Journal on Gerentology, Vol.24, No.2, Pp 194-204 (ISSN: 0971 – 4189; PR.No: 17985/69).
  3. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi (June 2011) “Quality of life of elderly: a case study in Kerala”, on Star Research Reach, Vol: 3, No: 1, Pp 49-66 (ISSN 0975-5101).
  4. Deepthi Sarojam and Sithara Balan V (March- April 2010)“ Problems of Elderly in Old Age Homes”: AYU DIGEST a bimonthly journal of Kerala Govt: Ayurveda Gazetted Medical Officers; Book No:2, Issue 1, Pournami Publishers, Tvpm.
  5. Annie, L,R and Sithara Balan V (December 2012) “ A study on mental health of the elderly  in Thiruvananthapuram district” on Star Research Reach, Vol.4, No.2, Pp 1: 10 (ISSN 0975-5101).
  6. Sithara Balan V (2012)“Management of Alzhemiers: a life style disease of the elderly, on the Global Ayur fest- Abstract published.
  7. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi, V (Dec 2013) “Health Status of Elderly in Kerala: A sub sample study”, Vol 50,Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics”, Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore, Pp 499-505. ISSN: 0022-3174, Impact factor 0.00.
  8. Saravana Selvi and Sithara Balan V (2014)“Impact of Kudumbasree on the Empowerment of Women in Munnar Panchayat”, on the proceedings of the national seminar on “Emerging trends in family and community science”, Organised by Govt.College for Women, Department of Home Science, Tvpm, Pp 257-266, ISBN 97881 92850603.
  9. Lekshmy M and Sithara Balan V (2014)“Health status of solid waste women workers “ on Human Rights International Research Journal, Vol 2, Issue 1, ISSN:2320-6942, IMRF Journals, AP, Pp 22-24, ISSN 2320-6942.
  10. Lekshmy M and Sithara Balan V (2014)“Health status of solid waste women workers “ on the proceedings of International Conference on Women Empowerment-ICWE 2014, March 07-08, ISBN:978-93-84124-00-7, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, Edited by Ratnakar, Published by Ratna Prasad Multidisciplinary Research and Educational Society, P10, ISSN 2320-6942.
  11. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi,V (April – June 2014) “Nutritional Intake of the Elderly :Cohort Study”, SCMS Journal of Indian Management; Vol XI, No: II, Kochi; SCMS Group of Institutions Pp 35-46. ISSN 0973-3167.
  12. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi,V (December 2014) “Impact of the Problems of elderly on their quality of life: a case study in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala ”, Journal of Research, Extension and Development; Vol 3, No: 4, Gandhigram Rural University, Madurai ISSN: 2319-1899.
  13. Edited one book (proceedings ) on “Emerging trends in Family and Community Science”, BY department of Home Science, Govt College for Women, Thiruvananthapram, Kerala , published by Kerala University Press with ISBN.
  14. Sithara Balan V and Girija Devi, V (Nov 2015) “Quality of life of Elderly in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala”, Indian Journal of Gerentology; Jaipur, Vol:29, No:3. ISSN:0971-4189.
  15. Wrote a chapter on “Extension Education” in the Text book of HomeScience for +2 students, prepared by SCERT- State Council for Educational Research and Training, Govt of Kerala, 2014-15.
  16. Renjini M,U, Sithara Balan V (May- Aug 2016) “Social intervention for women in ST settlements of Vithura Panchayat”, International Journal on Home Science, Vol 2, issue 2, part F, ISSN: 2395-7476, Impact factor:5.3, Tirupathi Journal Solutions, New Delhi, Pp 356-358.
  17. Sithara Balan V (Nov-Dec 2016) “A study on the eating habits of adolescents in Thiruvananthapuram city, Kerala” , International Journal on Home Science, Vol 2, issue 3, part E, ISSN: 2395-7476, Impact factor:5.3, Tirupathi Journal Solutions, New Delhi, Pp 687-690.
  18. Archana, M; Sithara Balan V (2016) “Quality of life of people living in ST settlements in Vithura Panchayath , Thiruvananthapuram District”; accepted for publication on Echoes of Research: A Multi disciplinary research journal; Govt College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
  19. Anjana ; Sithara Balan V (2017) “Reproductive health status of women in rural areas of Kerala, India”; International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064; Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.
  20. Edited a book on “Social Entrepreneurship- Avenues and Challenges in Home Science” (2017); Published by the Department of HomeScience; Govt College for Women, Tvpm, Kerala with ISBN.