The Department was established in 1976 with its first B.A. Psychology batch of students passing out in the year 1979.It was upgraded as a Research Centre in 1987 and later Post – Graduate Department in 1993. Current courses are B. Sc. (25 seats) and M. Sc (10 seats). Faculty strength is 8. There are clinical psychologists, counselors, trainers and renowned academics among the faculty. The Department is a recognized research center under the University of Kerala since 1987. The students of this department have shown exemplar performance in both academic and extra-curricular activities. The Department has been providing consultancy services to various Government and Non-Government initiatives of psychological nature.

Head of the Department: Ms. Kalarani K.S.


  • To raise the stature of Psychology as a discipline
  • To create a connect between theory and practice of Psychology
  • To produce professionally sound individuals who are capable of bringing about change in the society


  • Using best practices to enhance teaching-learning
  • Building leadership and professionalism in students 
  • Promotion of research acumen and engagement with society

Programmes being offered by the department

Name of the programme Main Subject Category Duration Annual Intake Details
M. Sc Psychology Psychology PG (Science) 4 semesters 13 See details
Ph.D. in Psychology Psychology PhD (Science) See details
B. Sc Psychology Psychology UG (Science) 6 semesters 24 See details

Faculty Members

SL Name Subject Designation Phone/Email WebPage
Dr. Sonia George Psychology  Associate Professor
2 Dr. Renjini T Psychology Assistant Professor View the full profile
3 Mr. Shiju Joseph Psychology Assistant Professor View the full profile
or visit the personal webpage at
4 Ms. Maya Menon Psychology Assistant Professor
5 Ms. Smita G S Psychology Assistant Professor
6 Ms. Shini V S Psychology Assistant Professor
7 Dr. Sheril Elizabeth Jose Psychology Assistant Professor
8 Dr. Archana Chandran Psychology Assistant Professor
Name Period
Dr. Kumari Bhagavathi G.P. 1977-2005
Dr. Asha Balagangadharan 2005-2006
Dr. Latheefa Beegum 2006-2008
Smt. Grace Alice J. 2008-2009
Sri. Aboobakkar T.V.P. 2009-2014
Smt. Grace Alice J. 2014-2015
Dr. Shibu K 2015-2016
Smt. Kala Rani K.S. 2016-2017
Dr. Sonia George 2017-2019

MSc Psychology 2019-21 Batch


         MALAVIKA S.P.      I Rank                                                               AFNA SHANAVAS II Rank

                                                                                MSc Psychology 2018-20 Batch


APARNA S.I Rank                                           SIFANA HUSSAIN     II Rank                                GANGA MOHAN III Rank

                                                                                     MSc Psychology 2017-19 Batch

II Rank

                                                                                 M.Sc. Psychology 2016-18 Batch


ZIYA ARUN                                                                                                 ANN STENY ANTONY
II Rank                                                                                                                          III Rank

                                                                                        M.Sc. Psychology 2015-17 Batch


                                                      KRIPA DINAH MATHEWS                                      GOWTHAMI NAIR
                                                                       I Rank                                                                     II Rank

                                                                                 M.Sc. Psychology 2014-16 Batch

                                                                                               BETSY BABY   III Rank

B.Sc. Psychology 2016-19 Batch

I Rank

B.Sc. Psychology 2015-18 Batch

I Rank
B.Sc. Psychology 2014-17 Batch


DHANYA CHARLY                                                                                                           SRUTHY NAIR
II Rank                                                                                                                                      III Rank

                                                                           B.Sc. Psychology 2013-16 Batch

III Rank

Research Guides

  1. Sonia George, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Govt. College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram
  2. Swapna Ramachandran, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University College, Thiruvananthapuram
  3. Ajilal P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Sree Narayana College, Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram
  4. Anjana R., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Sree Narayana College, Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram
  5. Sajimon P.P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Fatima Mata National College, Kollam
  6. Subha Sachithanand, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram

Research Scholars

Sl. No. Name of the scholar Research Guide
1 Ganga Kailas Dr. Sonia George
2 Ammu G. Nair Dr. Sonia George
3 Sarika A. Dr. Sonia George
4 Deena Balakrishnan Dr. Sonia George
5 Anju P.M. Dr. Swapna Ramachandran
6 Sherin A. R. Dr. Swapna Ramachandran
7 Hiya Roy Dr. Swapna Ramachandran
8 Sreedevi Amma C. Dr. Swapna Ramachandran
9 Aparna K. K. Dr. Anjana R.
10 Arun Varghese George Dr. Anjana R.
11 Soumya S. Dr. Anjana R.
14 Silpa Balagangadharan Dr. Sajimon P.P.
15 Aneena Dr. Sajimon P.P.
16 Bino C. Das Dr. Ajilal P.
17 Krishanunny M. Dr. Ajilal P.
  • The faculty of the department are regularly involved in extension activities and collaborations outside the college. Training programs and tests have been developed for ASAP Kerala, Department of Social Justice, Institute of Management in Government, and National Institute for Speech and Hearing. The service of the faculty have been instrumental in the preparation of handbooks by ASAP, Department of Higher Education and SCERT.
  • The faculty have been undertaking research projects funded by agencies such as UGC, ASAP, National Rural Health Mission and Women’s Commission, Kerala.
  • The department serves as the State Nodal Office of the Jeevani College Mental Health Awareness Programme envisioned by the Directorate of Collegiate Education. The faculty of the department is in charge of planning and conducting training programs for the Jeevani Psychology Apprentices who are appointed in the government arts/science colleges in Kerala

  • The department observes World Mental Health day every year on October 10th. Week long activities such as exhibitions, game-based awareness sessions, competitions, talks and cultural programs are planned and organized based on the yearly theme.

  • Psychology Association of the department conducts several discussions, talks and experiential sessions to help the students enrich their academic and personal lives.
  • The students of the department are being involved in co-curricular and extension activities of various kinds.  They were part and supportive of the psychosocial interventions implemented by the governmental and nongovernmental agencies during the disasters, Ockhi and the floods.  They are active in creating a campus conducive for the overall wellbeing of their fellow college mates, by initiating mental health promotion and environmental conservation activities.