Faculty Profile

Name : Dr.K.G.Ajith Kumar

Department : Botany

Designation : Associate Professor

Permanent address : Sreelekshmi, VP1/1165, Vazhayila, Peroorkada, Tvpm

Mail id : gopalannairajithkumar@yahoo.com

Mobile number : 9496093071

Academic Qualification:

Course University Subject Year Grade
MSc Kerala University Botany 1990 I
B.Ed Kerala University Natural Science 1992 II
PhD Kerala University Forestry 2002
  1. Employment History (teaching/ Research):
Position College Period
Lecturer in Botany Govt. Brennen College, Thalassery 2003 Jan- 2005 May
Lecturer in Botany Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad 2005 June- 2011 May
Associate Professor Govt. College For Women, Tvpm 2011 June-Till date
  1. Total teaching experience: 18 Years 9 Months
  2. Total research experience: 25 Years
  3. Research interest               : Seed Physiology 
  4. Research guide ship           :  

Research Centre and University: Govt. College For Women, Thiruvananthapuram

                                                         : University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram

Number of students Submitted: Nil

      Number of students registered: 6

  1. Research Publication-(details):
  2. G.P. Gayatri, K.G. Ajith Kumar, Parvathy S. Nair, M. Somasekharan Pillai., 2021. GA/ABA Antagonism in the Physiology of Seed Germination in the Recalcitrant and Vulnerable Tree- Vateria indica L. Indian Journal of Agriculture Research. DOI: 10.18s05/1JARe. A-5729.
  3. Gayatri GP., Ajith Kumar KG., Parvathy S Nair., Sunil Kesava Deth G., Baiju KV., 2020. Dynamics of water and abscisic acid during embryogeny and embryo drying in the recalcitrant seeds of Vateria indica L. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation., http://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-020-10274-2.
  4. Parvathy S Nair., Ajith Kumar KG., Gayatri GP., Sunil Kesava Deth G., 2020. Recalcitrant behavior of the seeds of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels during embryogeny and natural desiccation. Plant Physiol Rep., http://doi.org/10.1007/s40502-020-00528-2.
  5. Suresh Kumar KA., Anil Kumar C., Ajith Kumar KG., Prajith TM., 2020. Comparative study on level of ABA during artificial dehydration in seeds of Myristica malabarica sp. and orthodox seeds. International Plant Physiology Virtual Conference-2020., Proceedings of National Seminar on New Horizons for Biodiversity-Climate Change and Human Security. ISBN: 978-3-96492-220-
  6. Parvathy S Nair., Ajith Kumar KG., Gayatri GP., Sunil Kesava Deth G., Dinesh Babu., 2018.  KV.,Changes in Moisture Content and Phytochemicals During Embryogeny in Desiccation-Tolerant Vigna unguiculata and Desiccation-Intolerant Syzygium cumini . Trends in Biosciences 11(7), Print: ISSN 0974-8431, 1159-1173.
  7. Gayatri GP., Ajith Kumar KG., Parvathy S Nair., Sunil Kesava Deth G., Dinesh Babu KV., 2018. FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis of Biochemicals Synthesised in the Mature, Germinated and Desiccated Seeds of Vateria indica L. Trends in Biosciences 11(7), Print: ISSN 0974-8431, 1461-1500. 
  8. 7. M. Prajith, C. Anilkumar ., K. G. Ajith Kumar., 2017. Changes in abscisic acid levels in embryonic axis of Saraca asoca seeds during maturation and artificial dehydration. Ind J Plant Physiol 22; 354-357.
  9. Ajith Kumar KG, Sunil Kesava Deth G, Pratheepkumar V, Suresh Kumar KA, Dinesh Babu KV, 2016. FTIR spectral analysis of the phytoconstituents in the mace of Myristica fragrans for the detection of possible adulteration with the mace of Myristica malabarica and Myristica beddomii. International journal of Current Research., 8-11; 40897-40903.
  10. Ajith Kumar, K. G., Sunil Kesava Deth, G., Dinesh Babu, K. V. and Anju, U., 2016. FTIR Spectroscopic analysis of biochemicals synthesized during embryogeny and embryo desiccation in Syzygium cuminii (L.) Skeels. International journal of Current Research., 8–04; 31380-31387.
  11. Ajith Kumar KG., Sunil Kesavadeth G., Pratheepkumar V., Suresh Kumar KA., Bindumole VR., Aswathy PJ., 2015. Pulping qualities of six year old clones of Eucalyptus tereticornis, Sm. International journal of Current Research., 7-12; 23928–23931.
  12. Ajith Kumar KG., Sunil Kesavadeth G., Pratheepkumar V., Bindumole VR., Aswathy PJ., Athira VR., Anju TU., 2015. ABA production in response to the desiccation of recalcitrant embryos of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam and Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. International journal of Current Research., 7-08; 19386-19390.
  13. Ajith Kumar KG., Sunil Kesavadeth G., Pratheepkumar V., Bindumole VR., Aswathy PJ., 2015. Growth pattern, wood production and genotypic clustering of the clones of Eucalyptus tereticornis, Sm. International journal of Current Research., 7-07; 17652-17658.
  14. Ajith Kumar KG., 2015. Screening the juvenile clones of Eucalyptus tereticornis, Sm. for water use efficiency. International journal of Current Research., 7-04; 14251-14257.
  15. Ajith Kumar KG., Sunil Kesavadeth G., Pratheepkumar V., Bindumole VR., Aswathy PJ., 2015. Assessment of genetic divergence in Eucalyptus tereticornis, Sm. using physiological parameters. International journal of Current Research., 7-03; 13648-13651.
  16. Ajith Kumar KG., Sunil Kesavadeth G., Suresh Kumar KA., 2014. Effect of IBA pre-soaking in the regain of lost viability in the seeds of Myristica malabarica, Lam. International journal of Current Research., 6-05; 6974-6978.
  17. Warrier Kannan Chandasekhar., Ajith Kumar KG., Rekha Warrier., Gurumurthi K., 2000. Change in sex expression in clones of Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. IUFRO News., vol 29., Special issue –Scientific Congress Programme., ISSN 02256-5145.
  18. Jayaraj RSC., Kannan CS., Hegde R., Ajith Kumar KG., Gurumurthi K., 1997. A comprehensive method of assessing eucalypts clonal trials. Conference IUFRO Sobre Silvicultura Methoramento de Eucaliptos.
  19. KCS Warrier, Ajith Kumar KG., Rekha Warrier., Gurumurthi K., 2000. Studies on Casuarina equisetifolia Forst with reference to salt stress, experimental clonal seed orchard and sex expression. Casuarina 4th Annual Workshop held at IFGTB, Coimbatore 2000., Proceedings.
  20. KCS Warrier, Ajith Kumar KG., Rekha Warrier., Gurumurthi K., 2000. Changes in sex expression in clones of Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. Sylva Plus, News Letter., Vol. No. I. Research Article.
  21. KCS Warrier, Ajith Kumar KG., Stephen John David., Gurumurthi K., 1998. Mineral deficiency in plants with particular reference to Eucalypts. Industrial cum Demonstration Workshop on Clonal Forestry., Sponsored by World Bank., IFGTB Proceedings. 
  22. KCS Warrier, Ajith Kumar KG., Venkataramanan KS., 1998. A low cost rooting medium for macropropagation of eucalypts. Sylva Plus, IFGTB, Coimbatore., vol. VI., No. 1. ISSN 0971-1414.
  23. Venkataramanan KS., KCS Warrier, Ajith Kumar KG., Gurumurthi K., 1998. Difference in rooting response between the juvenile and adult tissues of Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. Annals of Forestry., Vol 6., No.2.
  24. Jayaraj RSC., Gurumurthi K., Kannan CS., Hegde R., Ajith Kumar KG., Venkataramanan KS., 1997. Assessment of Clonal Trials of Eucalyptus. Clonal Multiplication of Eucalypts., Edt., K Vivekanandan, K Gurumurthi and RSC Jayaraj., IFGTB Field Document No. 1.
  25. Presentations:
  26. Suresh Kumar KA., Anil Kumar C., Ajith Kumar KG., Prajith TM., 2020. Comparative study on level of ABA during artificial dehydration in seeds of Myristica malabarica sp. and orthodox seeds. International Plant Physiology Virtual Conference-2020., Prospects of Plant Physiology for Climate Proofing Agriculture.
  27. b. Ajith Kumar KG., 2017. Seed recalcitrance – A threat to plant conservation. Presented in the National Seminar held at Dept. of Botany, Govt. College, Chittur. 
  28. Ajith Kumar KG., 1999. Pulping qualities of clones of Eucalyptus tereticornis. National Symposium on Forestry Towards 21st century, TNAU, TN.
  29. Stephen John David., Ajith Kumar KG., KCS Warrier., Gurumurthi K., 1998. Significance of ex-vitro rooting in micropropagation of Azadirachta indica. Tree Science Congress 98., organized by Indian Society of Tree Scientists.
  30. Kannan Chandrasekhara Warrier., Vijayakumar NK., Ajith Kumar KG., Stephen John David., 1998. Difference in culture response between juvenile and adult explants of Indian rose wood. Tree Science Congress 98 organized by Indian Society of Tree Scientists.
  31. Positions held/Duties undertaken: 
  32. Reviewer of Indian Journal of Agriculture Research
  33. Member, UG Board of studies, University of Calicut
  34. Member, UG Board of studies, University of Kerala
  35. Chairman, PG Board, University of Kerala
  36. PSC Examination Question Setter 
  37. Question Setter for various Universities.
  38. Interview Board Member.
  39. Asst. Supdt of Examinations.


  1. Projects: Details 

Completed projects

Sl. Title Agency Period Grant
1 Conservation strategies of some critically endemic tree species in the Silent Valley region of Western Ghats UGC, Bangalore 2009-2011 90,000/-
2 The role of ABA/GA hormonal balance during germination of the recalcitrant seeds of Myristica malabarica KSCSTE,


2013- 2016 11,00,000/-
3 ABA/GA hormonal balance during the germination of Artocarpous heterophyllus, Carica papaya  and Rhizophora mucronata UGC, Bangalore 2014 – 2016 80,000/-  


  1. Resources person: 

Recalcitrance – A threat to conservation – Invited lecture – National Seminar organized by the Dept. of Govt. Botany. College Chittur Sponsored by DCE, TVPM.

  1. Seminars/ conference/ workshop organized: Organized seminars in the Department.
  2. Awards/Honors: Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award Instituted by Global Economic Progress and Research Association (GEPRA), New Delhi.