Assistant Professor

Dept. of Botany

Govt. College for Women Thiruvananthapuram

E-mail: manojtbgri@gmail.com



Educational Qualification

  • PhD in Botany (2019) University of Kerala ; Research Centre: Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute, Palode. Research Guide: Dr. C.K. Pradeep and Dr. K.B. Vrinda, Title- Studies on Systematics, Diversity and Ecology of the Genus Crepidotus (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) of Kerala.
  •  NET –CSIR-JRF, NET in Life Sciences (2006) 
  • M.Sc.: Botany (specialization: Biotechnology), St. Berchman’s College, Changanassery, Kerala, Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, Percentage of Marks: 76.6% , University Second rank (2001)
  • B.Ed.: Natural Science: N.S.S. Training College, Changanassery, Kerala, Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, Percentage of Marks: 75.4% (2002)
  •  SET – Botany (2002)
  • B.Sc.: Botany, Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Percentage of Marks: 90.1% (1999)

Employment Details                                                                                                    

  • Presently working as Assistant professor, Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India from 09.09.2020 onwards.
  • Worked as Assistant professor, Department of Botany, Government College Chittur, Palakkad from 15.06.2011 to 08.09.2020.
  • Worked as Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr.) in Botany in Government V & HSS, Vithura from 11.01.2008 to 14.06.2011
  • Worked as Scientific Assistant (Biology), State Forensic Science Laboratory, Department of Police, Government of Kerala from 31.01.2007 to 10.01.2008
  • Worked as Academic Executive (Botany) in T.I.M.E Pvt. Limited from 2004 to 2007.
  • Worked as Junior Project Fellow in JNTBGRI, Palode in the externally funded project ‘Black Mildew Disease on Wattles of Kerala State’ funded by Kerala Forest Department.

Research Guidance

 Ph.D Research Guide in Botany (University of Kerala) – vide order no. Ac.EVI/1884/2021/UOK dtd. 07.04.2021

Research Interest

 Morphological and Molecular taxonomy of Macro and Micro fungi.

  • Bioprospecting of Macrofungi
  • Cultivation of Mushrooms

List of Publications

Book chapter

Pradeep, C. K., and A. Manoj Kumar (2023). “A Checklist of Medicinal Mushrooms in            Kerala State, India.” In Wild Mushrooms and Health: Diversity, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Benefits, and Cultivation pp. 65-94. CRC Press.

Research articles

  1. Manoj Kumar and C.K. Pradeep (2022). New records of Crepidotus (Crepidotaceae) from Kerala, India. Kavaka 58 (1): 1–4.
  2. Manoj Kumar, C.K. Pradeep and M. Catherine Aime (2022). New species and new records of Crepidotus (Crepidotaceae) from India. Mycological Progress 21(1): 311–326.
  3. P. Arya, A. Manoj Kumar, C.K. Pradeep and Luis A. Parra (2022). Agaricus brunneodiscus, a new species of Agaricus section Rarolentes from India. Phytotaxa, 533 (4): 181–193.
  4. Bijeesh, C., Manoj Kumar A. and Pradeep, C.K (2020). A new species of Resupinatus (Agaricomycetes) with merulioid hymenophore from India. Phytotaxa, 464(2): 167–174.
  5. A. Manoj Kumar, M. Catherine Aime, K.B. Vrinda and C.K Pradeep (2020). Two new species and a new record of Crepidotus (Agaricomycetes) from India. Australian Systematic Botany 33(4): 380–391.
  6. Bijeesh, C., Manoj Kumar A., Pradeep, C. K., and Vrinda, K. B (2019). A new species of Hohenbuehelia (Pleurotaceae) from India. Phytotaxa, 420(1): 56–64.
  7. A. Manoj Kumar, K.B. Vrinda and C.K. Pradeep (2018). New and noteworthy crepidotoid agarics from India. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39(3): 287–298.
  8. A. Manoj Kumar, K.B. Vrinda and C.K. Pradeep (2018). Two new species of Crepidotus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from peninsular India. Phytotaxa. 372(1): 67–78.
  9. C. Bijeesh, A. Manoj Kumar, K.B. Vrinda and C.K. Pradeep (2018). Two new species of Craterellus (Cantharellaceae) from tropical India. Phytotaxa 346 (2): 157–168.
  10. Manoj Kumar, A., Bijeesh, C., Vrinda, K.B. and Pradeep, C.K. (2018). Additional notes on Conchomyces bursiformis (Agaricales), a rare monotypic agaric from India. Studies in Fungi 3(1): 1–6.
  11. Laura Guzmán-Dávalos, C.K. Pradeep, K.B. Vrinda, A. Manoj Kumar, Virginia Ramírez-Cruz, María Herrera, Alma Rosa Villalobos-Arámbula, Kasem Soytong, Thimothy J. Baroni, & M. Catherine Aime (2017). A new stipitate species of Crepidotus from India and Thailand, with notes on other tropical species. Mycologia 109(5): 804–814.
  12. Manojkumar, A, V.B. Hosagoudar, B. Sabulal and G.R. Archana(2007). Biochemical studies on Acacia melanoxylon  infected with Meliola melanoxylonis. Journal of Mycopathological Research 45(2): 207–211.
  13. Hosagoudar, V.B, A. Manojkumar and G.R. Archana (2007). Geographical distribution of Meliola melanoxylonis in Kerala. Journal of Mycopathological Research 45(1): 109–112.
  14. Hosagoudar, V.B, G. R. Archana and A. Manojkumar (2007). Diseases on Wattles (Acacia spp.) – A review. Journal of Mycopathological Research. 45(2): 219–223.

Other publications:

New species and varieties of microfungi published in research articles

  1. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Clasterosphaeria indica sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XVI. Clasterosporium flagellatum and its teleomorph. Zoos’Print Journal 19(4): 1437-1438
  2. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Meliola capensis var. dimocarpi var. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XX. Three new species and one new variety of genus Meliola. Zoos’Print Journal 19(5): 1462.
  3. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Meliola cassiae-fistulae sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XX. Three new species and one new variety of genus Meliola. Zoos’Print Journal 19(5): 1462.
  4. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Meliola desmodii-triangularis sp.nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XX. Three new species and one new variety of genus Meliola. Zoos’Print Journal 19(5): 1463-1464.
  5. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Meliola desmodii-triquetri sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XX. Three new species and one new variety of genus Meliola. Zoos’Print Journal 19(5): 1464.
  6. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2003). Meliola lanneae sp. nov.in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVIII. New species, varieties and records. Zoos’Print Journal 18(2): 999-1000
  7. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2003). Irenopsis sidae (Rehm) Hughes var. indica var. nov..in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVIII. New species, varieties and records. Zoos’Print Journal 18(2): 1000
  8. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2003). Meliola hemidesmicola Hosag. var. indica. var. nov.in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003). Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVIII. New species, varieties and records. Zoos’Print Journal 18(2): 1001
  9. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2004). Asteridiella strebli sp. nov.in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004) Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XIX. Two  new species and three new records. Zoos’Print Journal 19(3): 1390
  10. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2004). Meliola bauhiniae-phoeniceae sp. nov.in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004) Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XIX. Two  new species and three new records. Zoos’Print Journal 19(3): 1391
  11. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2003). Asterina lanneae sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XII. New species, new records and hyperparasites. Zoos’Print Journal 18(3): 1037
  12. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2003). Asterina samaderae sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XII. New species, new records and hyperparasites. Zoos’Print Journal 18(3): 1038-1039
  13. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2006). Asterina girardiniae. sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2006). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXIV. New species and new records.. Zoos’Print Journal 21(7):2304-2305
  14. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2006). Sarcinella glochidii. sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2006). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXIV. New species and new records.. Zoos’Print Journal 21(7):2305-2306
  15. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2003). Meliola capensis(Kalch. & Cooke) Theiss. var. indica. var. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2003) Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVII. New species, new variety and new records. Zoos’Print Journal 18(4): 1062
  16. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Balladynopsis sivanesanii  sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XV. New species, new records and a rare fungus. Zoos’Print Journal 19(3): 1387-138
  17. Hosagoudar, V.B and A. Manojkumar (2004). Sarcinella tectonae  sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2004). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XV. New species, new records and a rare fungus. Zoos’Print Journal 19(3): 1386
  18. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2006). Asterina rhodomyrti  sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2006). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXV. New species and new records. Zoos’Print Journal 21(8):2335-2336
  19. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2006). Asterina tylophoraeindicae  sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2006). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXV. New species and new records. Zoos’Print Journal 21(8):2336-2337
  20. Hosagoudar, V.B, H. Biju and A. Manojkumar (2006). Asterostomella ceropegiae  sp. nov. in Hosagoudar, V.B (2006). Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXV. New species and new records. Zoos’Print Journal 21(8):2337

Conference/Seminar Papers presented 

  1. Manoj Kumar, A.,Pradeep, C.K. and Vrinda, K.B.2017. Some Interesting Crepidotus from Kerala. National conference on Fungal Biology: Recent trends and future prospects, organized by Department of Botany, University of Jammu, Jammu (J&K). Sponsored by Mycological society of India.
  2. Manoj Kumar, A., Pradeep, C.K. andVrinda, K.B.2016. Studies on the genus Crepidotus in Kerala. National conference on Fungal Biotechnology, organized by Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Sponsored by Mycological society of India.
  3. Manoj Kumar. A, Suresh Kumar K. A , Stephen Sequeira and Smitha C.K. Preliminary survey of foliicolous black mildew fungi in and around Kuruva Islands of Wayanad District, Kerala. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminaron Beneficial fungi with special reference to Mushroom cultivation, Mycorrhiza and Fungal Bio Control Agents held at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha from 4-5 th December, 2014.
  4. Suresh Kumar K. A, Manoj Kumar. A, Stephen Sequeira and Smitha C.K. Mushroom cultivation-A holistic approach for green development: A case study from Chittur Taluk, Palakkad District, Kerala. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Beneficial fungi with special reference to Mushroom cultivation, Mycorrhiza and Fungal Bio Control Agents held at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha from 4-5 th December, 2014.
  5. Stephen Sequeira, Manoj Kumar. A, Suresh Kumar K. A and Smitha C.K. Growth and yield of Pleurotus sajor-caju on different lignocellulosic biproducts as raw material for mushroom cultivation. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Beneficial fungi with special reference to Mushroom cultivation, Mycorrhiza and Fungal Bio Control Agents held at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha from 4-5 th December, 2014.

 Involvement in Scientific societies/Peer Reviewed Journals 

  • Life Member, Mycological Society of India
  • Reviewer, Phytotaxa Journal