Associate Professor

Dept. of Chemistry

Govt. College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram

E-mail: r.shyni@gmail.com


Educational Qualification

  • PhD in Chemistry from University of kerala, July 2013, Thesis title: “Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Lanthanide Carboxylates” [ NIIST(CSIR)-TVM]
  • JRF/NET (CSIR) 2006, Chemical Sciences, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. Govt. of India
  • MSc Chemistry (First Rank), Govt. College for Women, Affiliated to University of Kerala (2005)
  • BSc Chemistry (Fourth Rank), V. T. M. N. S. S College Dhanuvachapuram, Affiliated to University of Kerala (2003)
  • BEd Physical Science, Govt. College of Teacher Education, Thycaud, Affiliated to University of Kerala (2006)

Teaching Experience

Thirteen years of teaching experience in Chemistry in UG colleges and four years of teaching experience in PG colleges.

Areas of Specialization

Inorganic Chemistry (Co-ordination Chemistry) and Physical Chemistry

Areas of Research Interest:

  1. Synthesis of lanthanide complexes for OLED applications
  2. Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces

Research Publications:

I. Papers in International & National Journals

 1. R. Shyni, Biju, M. L. P. Reddy, Alan H. Cowley, and Michael Findlater, “Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Photophysical Properties of Homodinuclear Lanthanide Xanthene-9-carboxylates,” Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 11025-11030.

2. Shyni Raphael, M. L. P. Reddy, Alan H. Cowley, and Michael Findlater, “2- Thiopheneacetato-Based One-Dimensional Coordination Polymer of Tb3+: Enhancement of Terbium-Centered Luminescence in the Presence of Bidentate Nitrogen Donor Ligands,”Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2008, 4387–4394.

3. Shyni Raphael, M. L. P. Reddy, Kalyan V. Vasudevan and Alan H. Cowley, “Synthesis, crystal structure and photophysical properties of lanthanide coordination polymers of 4-[4-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)butoxy]benzoate: The effect of bidentate nitrogen donors on luminescence,” Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 14671-14682.

II. Book Chapters

1. Anisha G.S., Shyni Raphael M, Cracking Upgrading Process of Biomass, In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences: Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment, Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Mohammad Amin Makarem and Maryam Meshksar (Eds.), Elsevier Inc., 2023